Once in a BluMoon, an opportunity for solid, low inbreeding Holstein genetics becomes available in the dairy industry. EFIcacy Genetics offers the opportunity to include this BluMoon in your Holstein genetics program.
Since 1987, Majestic Manor Dairy, located in Iowa, has worked tirelessly to develop a dairy herd with very low expected frequency of inbreeding or EFI. The herd includes nearly four decades of cows mated with sires selected with low inbreeding as a specific selection trait. We have prioritized low EFI because we continue to see the genetic pool become smaller and smaller over time.
Our efforts have been rewarded. For the last 20 consecutive years, the Majestic Manor herd has received Holstein USA’s prestigious Progressive Genetics Registry designation.

Prioritizing low EFI

Majestic-Manor Charm Beth
"VG-88" DOM
The foundation cow that started our low inbreeding program!
We get it. The industry avoids talking about the inbreeding challenge. Selecting for low inbreeding is viewed as a niche market. But should it be?
If a balanced and stable genomic profile, along with a deep cow family and a world-leading low EFI sire sounds interesting to you, then BluMoon is exactly the sire you need in your mating program.
He is truly a unique sire in today’s world of Holstein genetics.
Our focused inbreeding program gained traction with Majestic-Manor Charm Beth “VG-88” DOM, a homebred international embryo export donor dam. Three bulls from this cow family were leased to International Protein Sires (IPS).
Their low inbreeding coefficient helped all three sires outperform their genomic predictions when they became daughter-proven sires. 566HO1287 BlueSky was recognized as a finalist in Holstein International's 2018 Global Outcross Bull of the Year.
BluMoon, our current low EFI sire, comes from this same cow family. He completes 14 generations of homebred maternal dams that were bred for balanced cows with low EFIs.